
  • 2022-12-07
    • All studies: Updated to adhere to the AIRR v1.4 standard specification. See iReceptor v4.0 data provenance for more details.
    • Changed from http to https protocols.
  • 2021-02-04
    • All studies: Study title (study_title) was updated for all studies to include the last name of the first author to facilitate searching. Field Study Contact was added (emerging AIRR field) that lists a contact person for each study was added. Lab name and Lab address were updated for consistency.
  • 2020-06-04
  • 2020-01-16
    • For the following study, the software_versions incorrectly recorded that the repertoire was annotated with igblast v1.8.0 when the annotation was done with IMGT/V-QUEST (v3.4.13). The software_versions for this study was updated to fix this problem:
      • Vergani et al, Study ID PRJNA381394
  • 2019-10-16
    • AIRR TSV downloads that occurred before 2019-10-16 would have contained a correct Junction NT Length (AIRR field junction_length) but the junction NT sequence (AIRR field junction) would have been returned as a empty string in the AIRR TSV download file. This problem has been fixed. The problem would have occurred for all studies. Note that the AA junction (AIRR field junction_aa) and AA junction length (AIRR filed junction_aa_length) were returned correctly.
  • 2019-09-03