Twelfth COVID-19 AIRR-seq study available on iReceptor Gateway

In collaboration with the AIRR Community, we are pleased to announce the twelfth COVID-19 AIRR-seq study available for searching and download in the AIRR Data Commons and through the iReceptor Gateway. 125K annotated sequences from Wen et. al. Immune cell profiling of COVID-19 patients in the recovery stage by single-cell sequencing have been loaded into the AIRR COVID-19 repository and are now available through the iReceptor Gateway.

Eleventh COVID-19 AIRR-seq study available on iReceptor Gateway

In collaboration with the AIRR Community, we are pleased to announce the eleventh COVID-19 AIRR-seq study available for searching and download in the AIRR Data Commons and through the iReceptor Gateway. 18.9M annotated sequences from Montague et. al. Dynamics of B-cell repertoires and emergence of cross-reactive responses in COVID-19 patients with different disease severity have been loaded into the VDJServer repository and are now available through the iReceptor Gateway.

iReceptor integration aids COVID-19 research

A recent preprint uploaded to bioRxiv shows the power of the iReceptor Gateway to integrate data from multiple labs and institutions, in this case to help study the adaptive immune response to COVID-19. Meysman and colleagues (Tracking SARS-CoV-2 T cells with epitope-T-cell receptor recognition models, published Sep 9) compared longitudinal data from Minervina et al. and Schultheiß et al. to examine how T-cells that react to SARS-CoV-2 behave during disease progression.

iReceptor Awarded CANARIE Funding

The iReceptor team was recently awarded CANARIE Research Data Management funding to extend the iReceptor Gateway. The project, "Towards Systems Immunology: Integrating FAIR data into the iReceptor Platform" will help the iReceptor platform integrate a number of important immunology related data beyond the standard AIRR-seq data, such as single cell sequencing and germline integration. Thank you to CANARIE for their continued support!

Ninth COVID-19 AIRR-seq study available on iReceptor Gateway

In collaboration with the AIRR Community, we are pleased to announce the ninth COVID-19 AIRR-seq study available for searching and download in the AIRR Data Commons and through the iReceptor Gateway. 12 M annotated sequences from Kuri-Cervantes et. al Comprehensive mapping of immune perturbations associated with severe COVID-19 have been loaded into the AIRR COVID-19 repository and are now available through the iReceptor Gateway.


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